呢隻game 係10幾年前出過係超任,由鳥山明人設.係一個大作.故事多元化, 唔同時代作為故事既主要骨幹設定,流暢既節奏, 動人既音樂,好輕易咁成為過百萬銷量既遊戲. 呢隻遊戲最大特點係有13個結局(無記錯應該係). 唔同故事就有唔同結局. 人物方面, 主人翁既造型相當配合該主角既時代背景 . 戰鬥時, 當遇上敵人就會以指令型式控制. 在這個遊戲裹魔法亦是一個特色. 魔法可作出二人技.及三人技. 不同主角有不同既組合.還要配合屬性攻擊. 係超任發佈後約干年後再次登錄係 PS 上. PS 版本加入過場動畫及小量故事改動. 令遊戲更豐富從而增加投入感. 遊戲音樂亦是賣點之一. 原裝日版當時十幾年前賣400蚊. 現在已經絕版了. 幸好我還保存了一盒. 由於遊戲的成功造就周邊的產品. 有OVA 動晝. 文具. 玩具等等. 到了十幾年後既今天. 再次登錄係NDS .呢個突如其來既消息真係令粉絲們值得去支持購買正版.
極道之月 Yakuza Moon
故事講述一個生於日本黑道內的女孩子, 父親是個社團頭目,書本講述她在社團內的種種生活及經過,包括被強姦,吸毒,殺人等等. 暫時只得英文及日本版本.
作者: Shoko Tendo
書名: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter
出版社: Kodansha International
包裝: Hardcover
出版年: 2007-05-04
Yakuza Moon is the shocking, yet intensely moving memoir of 37-year-old Shoko Tendo, who grew up the daughter of a yakuza boss. Tendo lived her life in luxury until the age of six, when her father was sent to prison and her family fell into terrible debt. Bullied by classmates and terrorized at home by a father who became a drunken, violent monster after his release from prison, Tendo rebelled. A regular visitor to nightclubs at the age of 12, she soon became a drug addict and a member of a girl gang. At 15 she was sentenced to eight months in a juvenile detention center.
Adulthood brought big bucks and glamour when Tendo started working as a bar hostess during Japan's booming bubble economy of the nineteen-eighties. But among her many rich and loyal patrons there were also abusive clients, one of whom beat her so badly that her face was left permanently scarred.
When her mother died, Tendo plunged into such a deep depression that she tried to commit suicide twice.
Tendo takes us through the bad times with warmth and candor, and gives a moving and inspiring account of how she overcame a lifetime of discrimination and hardship. Getting tattooed, from the base of her neck to the tips of her toes, with a design centered on a geisha with a dagger in her mouth, was an act that empowered her to start making changes in her life. She quit her job as a hostess. On her last day at the bar she looked up at the full moon, a sight she never forgot. The moon became a symbol of her struggle to become whole, and the title of the book she wrote as an epitaph for herself and her family.
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